Introducing our 45-day job ads

Our new ads are; 

60% CHEAPER, run for 50% LONGER, and comes with a GUARANTEE. 🙌

Recruitment has been a rough ride for us all in recent years. 

Taking the needs of employers into account, we're now offering ads that provide a greater opportunity to connect with the best candidate(s) for the role, at a rate that is very cost-effective and with a guarantee that significantly reduces the risk of investment. 

For those that love it old-school, the popular HealthyPeople + Seek + 10-day database access will continue to be available.

Our new ads run for 45 days, rather than the usual month.

This is plenty of time to share throughout your networks. And with the opportunity to make any edits as required, we have time to tweak the ad to attract more, and more relevant, candidates.

The new ads are $159 inc GST. 

For employers that would like to bundle in 45 days of HealthyPeople Business Membership to connect directly with local candidates, select the $279 option

If there are no applications, we'll repost the ad, free of charge.

How can we offer this guarantee, this price and ad duration? 

These new ads do not include a listing on Seek. This affords us some latitude with the cost, duration and guarantee.

As ever, we'll help make your ads better.

HealthyPeople will continue to screen all ads posted and offer suggestions on how to better appeal to candidates. Employers are also able to take advantage of our job ad wizard to help them create better ads.

At these prices, you'd be crazy not to prospect for candidates ALL THE TIME!

Want to get started? Post your job ad here.