Writing a CV that will get you a phone call

Applying for jobs is about moving through stages. 

While each of these stages is important, the CV really is the cornerstone of your application.

So here are our key tips to building a solid CV that helps move you through the application process.

Make your CV as relevant to the employer and the role as possible...

Ensure all fitness qualifications and experience are immediately visible. If the only relevant qualifications and experience you have were completed years ago, all the more reason to list them toward the top of your document (with dates). Don't make the employer search for them.

Highlight any and all prior experience that directly relates to the role you're applying for. For example, if applying for a Personal Trainer role in a gym with an older clientele, highlight any work you've done with clients in this demographic.

All the experience in the world will mean nothing if it’s not presented in a manner that relates to the job you're applying for. Don't expect it to be obvious to the employer.

...this includes experience from non-fitness roles

There is plenty of experience from non-fitness related roles that is very valuable in the fitness industry. 

Examples include; client support, sales, administration, management, etc. 

Again, don’t expect employers to draw the connection between what you’ve done in another industry and how it’s going to be of benefit to them. 

If you think your sales experience in another industry stacks up, make that clear. Outline how you would increase sales/connect with new members/help reduce attrition.

Focus on results more than duties. 

Being specific about the result helps employers better understand your effort. For example, 'signed up xx new members in a month'. Or, 'grew Personal Training client base to xx in three months'.

Keep it short and easy to read.

No more than two pages. 

Avoid fancy fonts, photos and layouts. Keep it simple and easy to read. 

Make use of spell checks and grammar checks. And get someone to proofread.

Your file name is often one of the first impressions.

Save your CV as your name – Both first and last. Avoid calling it "My resume" or the name of an earlier job you applied for (this happens more than you'd realise).

And save it in a PDF format.

With some very simple updates to your CV, it's possible to stand out from the crowd and make a great first impression with employers.

I wish you every success.


Dennis Hosking | Managing Director, HealthyPeople